What is NAD+?

What is NAD+?

NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Without the plus sign, NAD serves as an umbrella term for a group of chemicals, including NAD+. But what does any of it do in the body?
NAD is a coenzyme integral to the function of our mitochondria — often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell. Efficient mitochondrial function means better cell performance and waste removal.⁵ The amazing thing about boosting mitochondrial efficiency is that it affects just about every part of your body. That means NAD can address multiple systems without the need for you to take a dozen different supplements.
NAD+ is available as a primary ingredient in some supplements, but our understanding of NAD+ metabolism indicates that its bioavailability is severely limited compared to a pair of its precursors: NMN and NR.
By using NAD+ precursors instead of NAD+ itself, you end up with more NAD+ in your body. But there’s plenty of disagreement about which precursor is the safest and most effective. Understanding how each precursor works helps us understand how vitamin B3 transforms into NAD+ in the body.